Sunday 8 January 2017

Speedy Reading

I have noticed that after reading a book that I find quite intense and all-consuming, I read my next book very, very fast. It's as if I have been walking up a mountain and then suddenly I am able to run down the other side. Although that's not a perfect analogy because, depending on the terrain, some mountains are hard to descend as well. Anyway, examples of these big, powerful books that I have read fairly recently are "Ulysses" by James Joyce, "In Search of Lost Time" by Marcel Proust, and most recently "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Anyway, I become increasingly obsessed with these magna opera while I am reading them and I start into my next chosen book with the accumulated speed of a ship at full steam. It takes me several books to slow down to my normal reading pace (which actually is still quite fast!)

That's why I have taken only a couple of hours to read the delightful "Crooked Heart" by Lissa Evans, a novel about a young refugee in the Second World War. I'm now well ahead with my Book Club reading! 

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