Saturday 10 October 2020


Although I miss Ullapool it’s kind of nice to be home too. Ally, Davie and Cat are lively and fun company and our dinner table chats can be hilarious. Last night Davie and I finished watching a Netflix series called The Assassination of Gianni Versace (the spoiler is in the title!) Cat watched some of it with us even though she and Ally have seen it before. I remember it happening very clearly, in 1997, just a few weeks before the death of Princess Diana. But never having been a fashionista I didn’t understand what an iconic figure he was in the fashion world. The series was extremely detailed, going deeply into the background of the killer, Andrew Cunanan. It didn’t make excuses for his killing spree but tried to explain what might have happened in his life to lead to his actions. I say “might” because it’s a docu-drama rather than a documentary; much of it is speculation and it portrays many interactions and conversations that were not witnessed by anyone except the participants, most of whom died at the time so couldn’t possibly have told anyone else about them. In the last episode we saw the famous film clip of Princess Diana comforting Elton John at Versace’s memorial service, which I found very moving.

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