Sunday 18 October 2020

David’s 25th Birthday

Yesterday was David’s 25th birthday and despite the lockdown I think that he had a lovely day. He had lots of presents to open in the morning, including the coffeemaker from James and me, for his new flat. We had asked him to choose the type that he wanted, so we knew that he would like it. The cats gave him a selection of pods for it, and I have ordered him a box of his favourite mocha flavour.
He tried it out straight away and the coffee tasted lovely.
For his birthday dinner we ordered burgers from his favourite restaurant, TGI Friday, who are currently doing a takeaway service since they are not allowed to have sit in customers during the two week lockdown. The burgers were good but the chips were a bit cold and chewy due to their journey from the Fort at Easterhouse. Then Ally and Cat brought through a huge birthday cream cake which they had ordered from a shop which advertises on the B4U Bollywood music channel that they and David like to watch. He really appreciated the reference and found it very thoughtful of them. 
After dinner it was time to try the popcorn which David has patiently grown from a corn kernel over the summer. The plant grew in a pot in the back room until it was more than six feet tall, and then David selected the best corn cob, which he hung up to dry. He then carefully picked off the corn kernels. When he started popping a few of them, they did pop successfully but not to their full size, which indicated that they need to dry out a bit more. However we all tasted them and they were good, hopefully they will pop more fully later in the week.
And then we had a hilarious games evening - Maponimoes and then Who Am I? while Ally played all sorts of unusual Eastern European music for us. It was a good day. 

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