Saturday 3 October 2020

Turnberry Hotelier tests positive for coronavirus

This was the headline of the Ayr Advertiser today! It of course refers to President Donald Trump contracting Covid-19. I am no fan of Trump but I genuinely wish him well and hope that he makes a good recovery. He has been taken to hospital but his doctors say that he is getting on ok.

Meanwhile it was a rainy day in Glasgow, but I went for a walk anyway while listening to an audiobook, all the way to Starbucks at Kingsgate where I had coffee and a blueberry muffin before heading home; a respectable distance of 10 km. Cat and I (and of course Flora) had a girls’ afternoon while Ally and Davie played computer games. We lit a lemon scented Carthusia candle, kept cosy under fleecy blankets, ate chocolate, and watched a French film. Flora of course didn’t eat chocolate and kept looking out sadly at the rain. Cat and I have notched up a good number of French films over the past few years, we both enjoy the language and the distinctive French atmosphere. Today we watched Truffaut’s homage to the film industry; La Nuit Americaine. I watched it many years ago but had forgotten many of the details, it was good to watch it again. 

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