Monday 12 October 2020

Quince Jelly

We finished making our quince jelly this morning, by adding caster sugar to the juice strained from the cooked and mashed quinces, and boiling it up until it thickened. Quinces have lots of natural pectin so we didn’t need to add any during the process. We used James’ sugar thermometer to make sure that it got to the right temperature. I wasn’t sure if it would set properly; testing it on a cold plate seemed inconclusive, but once it was poured into the sterilised jam jars, and carefully sealed by David and James, it set beautifully as it cooled. It is the most gorgeous rose colour. 

After lunch I walked along to Burnside where Catherine and I had a very pleasant coffee at Café Gelato. When I walked home via Cathkin, I passed the removal vans which were at Grandma’s house, waiting for the transaction to be completed so that they could unload. Just as I arrived home James got a message from the lawyer to say that everything was in order and that the keys had been handed over. So that’s that. End of an era.

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