Thursday 1 October 2020

Six by Nico

Today James, Davie and I went for lunch to Six by Nico in Nithsdale Road. I have fancied trying one of these restaurants for a while and decided that it would be a great way for James and I to celebrate David’s MSc with him. I was also blatantly copying Ally and Cat who visited the west end Six by Nico recently, because they told us that the current menu is Sicilian and I couldn’t resist it. 
For those who don’t know, this popular (and now chain) restaurant has a six course tasting menu, with accompanying wines if desired, and it changes the theme of its menu every six weeks. Previous menus have included “New York”, “The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party”, and “Vietnamese Street Food.”
The Sicily menu certainly did not disappoint. I won’t list all of the courses but they were all delicious; small portions of beautifully prepared Sicilian food with every detail carefully thought out. For example our first course consisted of three tiny arancini, each one differently flavoured and exquisite. It is very difficult to choose a favourite course but if pressed I would have to say the saffron pappardelle with hazelnut ragu - it was perfect. The vegetarian menu (for me) tied in closely with the ingredients and flavours of the omnivores’ menu that was being enjoyed by Davie and James, which was good because we could discuss the tastes together. And Davie and James enjoyed tasting all the different wines.
The friendly staff explained the flavours of each course to us and also moved the meal along pleasantly but fairly smartly; we had a two hour time slot and by the time we left the next sitting of diners were gathering on the pavement outside. 
Feeling full, but not uncomfortably so, the three of us wandered through the autumnal sunshine around Maxwell Park. It was a truly lovely afternoon. 

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