Sunday 11 October 2020

Goodbye to No. 7

We have all been across at Grandma’s house today for the very last time. The new people will get the keys tomorrow morning. Ally, Davie and Cat walked around the empty rooms, which bring back so many memories, and also around the garden. I think that we all felt a bit sad to say goodbye. There were a few things to do; Forrest came round to pick up the last of his bits and pieces and we left a plant and a welcome card for the new family. It was a family house for the Andersons for many years with children and then the grandchildren running about; James and Forrest were only five and three years old when they moved there in 1967, so it’s nice that there will be young children living there again. 
Back at home, the quinces on our tree are ready. They are yellow and aromatic and beginning to split, so we picked them all. There are 1.6 kg of quinces in total, maybe about twenty of them. We are going to use most of them to make quince jelly, and keep a few to use in a tagine. Disaster struck when Ally sliced deeply into his finger while cutting them up, but Cat soon sorted him out with steri-strips and a bandage. Now the quinces are simmering away gently and the back room is filled with their aromatic scent. 

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