Tuesday 27 August 2019

Return to the Campsies

I ate too much peshwari nan bread dipped into chilli sauce on Sunday evening and the results were drastic. I was up at the toilet just about every hour during the night and slept very badly in between. As a result I was exhausted yesterday. Luckily the weather was very warm so I crept off to my hammock and read my book in the afternoon. Meanwhile James had walked down to Morrison’s to get some groceries for his Mum, and when he came home he sat out in the garden for a while “taps aff.” The sun was fiercer than he thought and as a result he has a rather burnt chest.
Today we were back at guess where? Meikle Bin! My second time in eight days and James’ third time! Out of his three expeditions James says that his best views were with Ewan on Sunday because today was more hazy. It was quite humid although there was a welcome breeze. We were in the congenial company of the hill-walking club’s “weekday walkers” an initiative started recently by Andy for us retired folk. They may be retired but they are a fit bunch and walked at what I considered to be a rather brisk pace. Still tired from my sleepless night on Sunday I chose not to go all the way to the top this time and had a very peaceful interlude on the hillside before the others rejoined me on their way back down. I was delighted that Christine and Gerry joined the outing; after our Skye weekend at Easter they already knew some of the other walkers. I knew that Gerry was a strong walker due to his exploits on Skye, but I was particularly impressed with Christine’s speed; she was striding out at the front of the group and is looking very fit. I need to get fitter! We popped into the Fintry Inn for drinks and a snack before heading home. 

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