Saturday 31 August 2019

End of August

Just a quick post to mark the end of the month. Grandma has been stable over the summer but unfortunately has another UTI together with some heart irregularities which have resulted in a hospital stay for her. She really was quite unwell yesterday when she was taken up to Hairmyres by ambulance. She is on antibiotics and beta-blockers and is going to be monitored over the next few days.
We woke up this morning to heavy rain which quickly became torrential. However it cleared up and the afternoon has been rather lovely. Before visiting Grandma, James Ally and I went into town so that James could give Alasdair advice on choosing a new suit. Alasdair warned me to keep well away so that I wouldn’t annoy him, so I wandered around Marks and Spencer’s and then John Lewis on my own until they had chosen a very smart dark blue suit. We then had a celebratory lunch in the café. Ally had quite fancied buying the matching waistcoat but decided that it was too expensive, so I secretly bought it for him and he was very pleased. We also bought a new barbecue in the Marks and Spencer’s sale - it was £10.50 reduced from £40 which I thought was an excellent bargain.
In other news, Davie phoned to ask how Grandma is and said that he and Chanel have had a great time in Amsterdam; and Jamie also phoned to ask how Grandma is and told us that he is in Melbourne, Australia for a genetics conference. My travelling boys! 

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