Sunday 25 August 2019

A lovely day in Edinburgh to see Thomas Keneally

Heather and I went to see Thomas Keneally today at the Edinburgh Book Festival. He is so lovely and started his talk by singing Waltzing Matilda, which he told us originated as a Scottish folk song. He was very funny and knowledgable and enjoyed telling rambling stories about his books but he always managed to find his way back to the point. We had excellent seats right in the middle near the front, and right in front of us was the shiny bald pate of Salman Rushdie, who was ushered in at the last minute. I was glad that no Iranian Islamic hardliners arrived to carry out the fatwa against him (which has never been lifted) because Heather and I would no doubt have felt obliged to save him.
We had taken the train through to Edinburgh earlier in the afternoon and had enjoyed a very pleasant and leisurely lunch at Brown’s before going into the Book Festival in Charlotte Square and browsing in the bookshop before our event. It is the last weekend of the Edinburgh Festival and there were lots of people relaxing in the sunshine as we strolled through Princes Street Gardens later on the way back to Waverley station. Heather expertly guided me to the correct platform and even knew which carriage would be least crowded, so we were able to secure seats (unlike many less organised passengers who had to stand) and have a nice chat as we sped through the countryside. James very kindly met us at Croy, after going for a walk in the Campsies with Ewan, * and dropped Heather back home before we had a curry with Cat and Ally, back happy although rather sunburned from their hill-walking weekend to the Nevis range.

* James said that he had enjoyed his walk with Ewan very much, not only because of his pleasant company but also because (unlike me) Ewan did not sit down beside the path at any point and refuse to continue! 

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