Saturday 24 August 2019

More Zumba and a hair cut

It was with some trepidation that I turned up for the second time to Zumba at the Sports Centre on Friday morning, but I actually enjoyed it much more than last week. The dance studio was cooler and I relaxed more into the dancing which made it all seem easier and more fun. I had been ready to jack it in but I shall try it for a bit longer.
Then in the afternoon I helped one of Grandma’s carers wash her hair ready for her haircut. The hairdresser, Liz, has been on holiday so it really needed a cut. Grandma was very happy and looks very smart. I found Liz a couple of years ago by asking Christine from next door if  she knew someone who specialises in cutting the hair of older people who can’t get to the hairdresser. She introduced me to Liz, who is really nice and the arrangement is perfect for Grandma. 

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