Sunday 4 August 2019

A brief storm

It has been very close and humid for the last couple of days. We have been walking in the morning when it’s cooler and then spending the afternoons in the garden. The storm arrived as predicted last night at about tea time. Lightning flashed and thunder crashed and there was a very heavy downpour. However it lasted only about half an hour and by the time we walked up to Marjory and Forrest’s for dinner it was completely dry again. 
And today it’s only slightly cooler - we are still besporting ourselves in our shorts and t shirts and bare feet in the garden this afternoon.
James’ wounds are healing slowly. He has to get his dressings changed by the district nurses every couple of days, and in order to keep his bandages dry in the shower I bought him a waterproof cover for them, for which I think I deserve some sort of “good wife” award. It’s really just a thick plastic sleeve which can be drawn in by elastic at either end but it does the job, and James can enjoy his morning showers.
Tom and Flora continue to enjoy having us at home more, or so I tell myself. When I woke up yesterday Tom was lying at the foot of the bed and when he saw me stirring he stretched out one of his front paws; I know that’s just what he does when he’s about to sit up, but it looked for all the world as if he was raising a hand in greeting! And wee Flora is so funny; she took me downstairs to feed her this morning and when we arrived in the utility room she plumped herself down and looked expectantly up at the cupboard where the cat food is kept. There are a lot of insects and butterflies in the garden just now and they flit in and out of the French windows in the back room; this is very entertaining to Tom and Flora who spent part of this morning intently watching a gorgeous peacock butterfly fluttering around the room until James caught it in our useful bug catcher and set it free. 

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