Friday 16 August 2019

And back to Edinburgh for more fun

We were back in Edinburgh on Tuesday which was another gloriously sunny day - although the temperature is distinctly cooler since the rain at the weekend. Our first stop was at the Book Festival in where we saw archaeologist Neil Oliver. What an excellent speaker he is! He is very enthusiastic about his subject and communicated it really well to the audience through stories about different places. For example he described the Storegga slide in such vivid detail that I could just picture the resulting tsunami sweeping across the sea from Norway towards the north-East coast of Scotland eight thousand years ago. Then the next minute he was quoting Pericles on war. I was extremely impressed. James enjoyed the talk very much too.
After a pleasant urban stroll we arrived at our next venue - George Heriots School to watch the BBC Front Row Edinburgh Fringe Special. Chaired ably by Kirsty Lang, there were five very different Fringe performers including the German comedian Henning Wehn. The beauty of this format is that it gives you a real variety and it was fascinating. We were joined by Janet and Peter for drinks beforehand in the attractive outdoor bar and after the show we had a very tasty tapas dinner. Anne joined us and the five of us chatted for ages before it was time for James and I to catch our train. It was festive festival day. 

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