Thursday 18 July 2019

Pleasant Gloucester interlude

I’m blogging from Gloucester today - well, from a very nice Premier Inn in nearby Gloucester Business Park. As an added bonus the hotel has just been refurbished and reopened today so everything in our room, from carpet to bathroom to bed, is absolutely brand new. Our drive from home to here took almost exactly five hours, plus a couple of stops at service stations, and we split the driving so it has flown past. We listened to the last couple of hours of the Thomas Keneally book on Audible, so James is all ready to ask Keneally some incisive questions at the Edinburgh Book Festival next month. Or perhaps not.
Instead of going straight to our hotel we drove into the centre of Gloucester so that we could go for a walk. And what a lovely walk we had, around the historic docks area then along the banks of the River Severn, which was lined with beautiful trees and flowering plants. We also went to Gloucester Cathedral, which is magnificent; some of it dates back to the 11th century. The stonework carving on its vaulted ceiling is very fine, and there are covered cloisters surrounding a garden with a fountain in the centre. Edward II is entombed in a shrine in the centre of the cathedral. We then enjoyed a refreshing cup of tea sitting outside a café round the corner. 

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