Thursday 25 July 2019

Hot hot hot

I spent nearly all day in the garden. This was partly because I enjoy being outside, but I also felt a certain sense of obligation. Today was the UK’s second hottest day ever * at 38.1 C (100.6 F) - that was in Cambridge; we peaked at 29 C here, which felt plenty hot to me. So I felt that I should be outside in the sunshine - or shade - while I can, because I know that it won’t last. This inner voice harks back to my parents in the 1970s who would, understandably, urge me to put down my book (there was always a book) in order to go outside and get some fresh air. Lurking inside when the weather is good still makes me feel guilty. I positioned my trusty hammock in the shade but it was still really too hot for me. Caroline came for lunch bearing gifts of lovely courgettes and beetroot from her garden, and we had an excellent chat. Meanwhile James had been for a three hour walk at Mugdock Country Park with a few members of the hill-walking club. Thank goodness that I didn’t go; I would have expired in the heat. On his return we took Grandma out in her wheelchair and she enjoyed looking at all the flowers in the neighbourhood gardens. Unlike me she thrives in the heat so we sat in her garden with her for a while after our walk so that she could soak up a few rays. We didn’t go inside until about 9 p.m. when we watched the last episode of Catch 22. Later I returned to my hammock for a wee while in the blessed cool of the darkness. I heard the ring of a tiny bell and saw the shadowy form of Tom keeping me company. When I finally walked back into the house I could feel that the paving slabs on the patio were still warm under my bare feet.

* Update - after the temperature from Cambridge Botanic Gardens was reviewed, it was announced a few days later that in fact the temperature had reached 38.7 C (101.7 F) so in fact Thursday 25th July 2019 was the hottest day on record in the UK. 

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