Friday 19 July 2019

Dr Foster went to Gloucester

... in a shower of rain. And there was certainly a shower of rain this morning when we woke up in our Premier Inn close to Gloucester. More than a shower of rain in fact; by the time we arrived at the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford there was a veritable torrent of rain. We weren’t too bothered by this. We have been to many air shows over the years in every type of weather so although we of course prefer sunshine, we just put on our waterproofs today and got on with it. We walked up and down the flight line looking at all the planes in the static display and even went onto the A330 Voyager and had a look in the cockpit. We had lunch sitting in the grandstand with our big umbrella balanced between us which kept us quite cosy. There were very few planes able to fly because the cloud was so low, and the rain kept coming down “like stair rods” as my Dad used to say. Once or twice it seemed to be brightening up but not for long.
By the time we got back to our hotel late afternoon I was ready for a hot bath and James was ready for a nap. We had dinner back in Gloucester at the appropriately named “Dr Foster’s” down at the docks, which is an excellent gastro-pub. 

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