Friday 12 July 2019

Surely not everyone was Kung Fu fighting?

Jennifer sent me a few excellent photos of her holiday in Iceland last week with Russell, Josh and Ben. It looks fantastic and I would love to spend time there. We had a one night stopover there in July 2015 on our way to America, when we went to the Blue Lagoon and strolled around Reykjavik, but I would love to return for a longer holiday. There seems to be lots of walking and activities and Jennifer mentioned the “Golden Circle tour” which she says is spectacular.
I noticed that in one of the photos Russell was wearing a t shirt with a slogan on it; “Surely not everyone was Kung Fu fighting?” Clearly this was in reference to the very well known 1974 song by one-hit wonder Carl Douglas, which famously claimed “Everybody was Kung Fu fighting” amidst many chopping sounds and martial arts style grunts. I hadn’t seen the t shirt slogan before and for some reason it really tickled my funny bone, I was chuckling about it for the rest of the day. It made me think how strange a sense of humour is, that it can be set off by something unexpected.
Today the weather is absolutely glorious and I have once again spent a goodly amount of time in my hammock. I was glad that we went for our circuitous walk to Burnside and back in the morning, when it was a bit cooler. We met by chance our next door neighbour’s daughter Sarah, and we had a coffee with her sitting outside Café Gelato in the sunshine. She is an absolutely lovely girl whose Mum is going through the same sort of experiences as Grandma, and it was great to have a chat with her. 

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