Wednesday 29 May 2019

Morning at the gym

The weather has been quite rainy since our return from Switzerland yesterday morning, and compared with the 23 degrees heat it feels rather chilly, but it’s good to be home. One of the (many) good things about James being retired is the way that he likes to get going with some exercise in the morning, especially our thrice weekly gym sessions. It means that by about 10 a.m. we have done at least an hour of exercise which is quite a satisfying feeling. Today was a good example. When we got back from the gym we had a pleasant coffee then got on with various household tasks before having brunch with David and Chanel at Costa. Having very helpfully looked after Grandma and the cats while we were away for the weekend (along with Ally and Cat, whose visit I was sad to miss), David and Chanel headed back to Dundee this afternoon for a few days before they move on to Liverpool for Chanel’s work experience, and then back to Dundee for their graduation in June. I’m sure that they will both be sad to leave the city where they met and which has been their home for nearly four years.

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