Saturday 25 May 2019

Asparagus Season

It seems to be peak asparagus season here in Switzerland and several restaurants that we have visited have had special asparagus supplements inserted into their menus. These list various options such as asparagus soup, risotto, pizza, and as many ways to serve asparagus with meat, fish etc. as one could imagine. James and I have availed ourself of these options several times and this evening we both had a delicious asparagus soup before our main course. Then we shared a fantastic Swiss fondue which is currently sitting rather heavily in my tummy. Never mind, I really enjoyed it!
Earlier today we walked to Basel train station to make the forty-five minute train journey to Colmar in Alsace. I once visited Colmar as a schoolgirl and remembered it as being very pretty. We set off in plenty of time but by the time we managed to buy our tickets and were bizarrely directed out of the station and in another entrance to our platform, we got onto our train with only five minutes to spare. Colmar is indeed very pretty and we had a lovely time doing a self-guided walking tour around the medieval centre. The half-timbered buildings are ancient and some of them looked a bit precarious! It was very warm so we stopped in a few cafés along the way for refreshing drinks. For lunch we had one of the local specialties; tarte flambée, which was delicious. One of the highlights of the day was a half hour canal trip with a very personable boatman who told us all about the history of the houses and restaurants that line the canal. The 17.23 train was pleasantly quiet on the way back to Switzerland and we read our books and chatted. I would love to come back to Colmar and also explore Alsace some more.

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