Thursday 23 May 2019

Shopping for shoes

Grandma has been wanting to get herself some new shoes suitable for the summer, so this morning James and I took her to Buchanan Galleries to go shopping. We went to Ecco, whose shoes are both smart and comfortable; I really like Ecco shoes myself. The house-wheelchair-car-wheelchair-shop routine went even more smoothly with James there to help. With the help of two lovely shop assistants Grandma chose two pairs of soft, pastel-coloured lace up flat shoes which fitted her perfectly and looked beautiful. Then at the last minute she also chose a pair of patent leather black court shoes with a very small heel. “This is my kind of shoe” she declared, and it’s true that she has always liked stylish shoes with a heel, and has only recently started to wear flat shoes. Not bad going for eighty-nine!
We had coffee and cake in John Lewis and a friendly elderly couple who were just leaving gave us their table so that we could sit at the window looking down Buchanan Street.
I would like to note that I was back in the garden this afternoon planting some French marigolds under James’ watchful eye - my gardening career continues!

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