Friday 3 May 2019

Early start

Here I am at Edinburgh Airport, writing a very quick blog post before James, Ally and I fly to Paris CDG for our weekend in Belgium and France. We will meet Cat in Paris, who is flying there from Heathrow. Ally has just purchased some sort of broth with duck gyozas in it for his breakfast, while James is in the queue at Caffè Nero to get us coffee and pastries. I’m excited and not particularly tired; I was early to bed last night but unfortunately didn’t get straight to sleep because I was thinking about our journey. We got up at 3.30 a.m. and drove to Edinburgh Airport on quiet roads.
Yesterday was very busy. We visited Grandma and stocked up her fridge with tasty treats, I had various other errands as well as packing, James did a lot of gardening, I had coffee with Doreen and even managed to Cambuslang book club for an hour last night!
After my coffee with Doreen, we walked along to Westcoats Road to have a look at a considerable number of bees which have set up home in the sunny sandstone wall of the bowling club. There has been much talk of these bees over the last week or two because they are on one of the main routes to the station, and buzz around people alarmingly although they don’t sting. Most people think they are wasps but Ally realised that they were bees, and Doreen (who is a bee expert) told me that they are mining bees. They are in fact a protected species and don’t do any harm, and as they are solitary bees Doreen was surprised to see so many in one place.

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