Friday 24 May 2019

Apfelschorle in Switzerland

I discovered a new drink today on our trip to Basel in Switzerland. It’s called an Apfelschorle and is a mixture of apple juice and sparkling mineral water. In other words, a spritzer. It’s very popular here and has quite a nice crisp taste, and so it is my current drink of choice.
We were up very early this morning and Alasdair kindly drove us through to Edinburgh Airport before he went to work. It also means that he and Cat can use the car this weekend to go hill-walking. Our flight to Basel went quickly and it was strange to see that the airport had two exits; one to France and one to Switzerland. We checked into our hotel, which is right beside the Spalentor Gate of the old town, and then went exploring. The old town is very pretty and dates back to medieval times. We wandered through its winding streets until we found ourselves at the mighty Rhine which flows through the middle of the town. We crossed the Mittlere Brücke (middle bridge) and walked along the river promenade. It was really warm and there were lots of people sitting outside at cafés enjoying the sunshine. We caught one of the four wee ferries which cross the river. They are powered purely by the current of the river, which drives them along a wire using a rudder. This brought us to the steps up to the Münster, which we visited and climbed up one of its twin towers. We had amazing views all around the town and down the river. What a beautiful day. James had a notion of pizza for dinner which wasn’t hard to find as there are lots of restaurants including Swiss, German, French and Italian. And now we are back at our comfy hotel where we are tired but happy. By the way, it’s our 34th Wedding Anniversary today.

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