Monday 20 May 2019

South Yorkshire fun

Our visit to the Vulcan Bomber wasn’t the only thing that we got up to in the Doncaster area. Our hotel was the Ramada at the airport, and after we checked in on Friday evening we decided to go to the nearby cinema which is at the Lakeside, a smart retail, restaurant and residential area. We saw Avengers: Endgame, which we have been looking forward to, and it didn’t disappoint! Even though it was very long, at about three hours, it was well paced and exciting, and paid appropriate tribute to its many superheroes. It felt strange being in a cinema far from home on a Friday evening. 
And on the Sunday we went to the South Yorkshire Aircraft Museum, which was near the Doncaster Lakeside area, tucked down a wee lane. It was crammed full of all sorts of aircraft and James was in his element; there was lots of hands on stuff and he called me over at one point to demonstrate to me how a helicopter’s rotor blades can be moved in all directions by tilting the joystick. It was warm and sunny so after a while I left him to it and sat at a picnic bench in the sunshine and read my book. We also visited an excellent garden centre where we bought a variety of plants for the garden including a very aromatic lilac tree; I have always fancied getting one. James’ flight suit (he wasn’t still wearing it; it was in the boot of the car) was also rather aromatic after working on the Vulcan Bomber on Saturday so on our journey home the car was scented with a heady mix of lilac and aviation fuel. 

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