Tuesday 14 May 2019

Hammock time

Yes, my hammock is out for the first time this year! After a gruelling  session at the gym this morning, James has constructed the frame for my hammock and now I am in it. When I say gruelling, I exaggerate. I did a 3 km walk on the treadmill and then a 15 minute cycle, while James pounded away doing a big run on his machine. I was listening to my podcast but I felt quite bored today; I just wasn’t in the mood for it. Anyway here I am in my lovely hammock in the dappled shade of the pear trees whole James is sunning himself nearby on the garden bench. The weather has turned warm again and the birds are singing loudly in the trees. Flora is sitting beside me on the grass but she refuses to come into the hammock with me; she doesn’t like the way it moves. 
James is planning to paint the wee shed at the top of the garden and furnish it as a “writing shed” for me. It’s a very kind thought but, unlike our dear friend Ewan, I have not as yet found a subject for a novel. I love the idea of being a writer but I’m not sure if it will ever happen. However I do like the idea of having my own wee shed all smart and cosy; it will be like the “Wendy house” that I had when I was a child! 

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