Saturday 1 June 2019

Well done Davie and Chanel

And all of a sudden it’s June! James and I went for a walk along the beach at Troon today, and although it was cloudy, it was really warm. It felt like summer.
We had a curry with Heather and Ewan last night at the excellent Rasoi, and very much enjoyed both the curry and the company. We got a message during the meal that Chanel had received her exam results and now has a B.Sc. Honours in Forensic Anthropology. Her and Davie’s results were not expected until Wednesday so as well as being delighted for her we wondered if David’s results might be early too. We didn’t have to wait long. While we were having coffee back at Heather and Ewan’s after the meal, the phone rang, and it was Davie to say that he has been awarded a 2:1 Honours degree in Biochemistry. We were absolutely thrilled, and Heather and Ewan said some extremely kind things about Davie. David has always been a very intelligent boy but he has never found his educational experiences easy. This started very early, in Primary 1, and although we tried to find out why school was so difficult for him, via many meetings with teachers and educational psychologists, we never found a straightforward answer. He has dyslexia but that doesn’t completely explain how hard it has been for him. Perhaps Davie just doesn’t fit into the system; needless to his very loyal Gran (my Mum) had every faith in him and compared him to Einstein and Richard Branson, who also didn’t do well at school! She loved him so much.
David has tried and worked and tried and tried again. He developed his love of science, was nurtured by some good teachers and tutors along the way, and now he has showed that he does have the ability. Gran was right! I am so proud of him. And I hope that this result gives him the confidence that he deserves to achieve whatever he wants in life. Because whatever he chooses to do, it will be amazing. 

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