Friday 28 June 2019

Breakfast in the garden

It has been great having Jamie home for the past (nearly) two weeks and the time has flown by all too quickly. The weather has heated up to truly heatwave levels - 28 degrees yesterday - so we have been having breakfast in the garden in the sunshine every morning. Jamie has been catching up with friends but we have had plenty of time with him too, sitting on the bench at the top of the garden and chatting, and going for a walk in the west end.
Meanwhile over the last few days our soon-to-be-former Dundonians have been appearing and disappearing with carfuls of their belongings which they will be storing at our house for the time being. By yesterday three carfuls of stuff had arrived containing an alarmingly large volume of cardboard boxes which were carried upstairs or into the garage.
Last night we had a celebratory family barbecue attended by Forrest, Marjory, Jenny, Lucy, all of our boys, Chanel and Grandma. Unfortunately Neil was on a night out with some friends so was unable to join us, and Cat has gone back to London. We were celebrating David and Chanel’s graduations as well as Jamie’s visit and it was a happy and lively occasion. The weather was absolutely brilliant; in fact it was far too hot for me and I suffered a bit until the sun gradually lost the intensity of its heat as the evening progressed. James made an excellent job of the barbecue, and everyone ate their fill. Dessert was very simple - strawberries and ice cream, which went down very well. Grandma loved the heat, she is such a sun worshipper! And she really enjoyed having her grandchildren all around her. We all sat out in the garden until after 10 p.m. in the warm evening. 

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