Saturday 8 June 2019

The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil

On Wednesday James and I went to Perth where I had booked tickets to The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil, a play that I have wanted to see for a very long time - decades actually! I remember seeing it advertised by the 7:84 Theatre Company at various times during the 1970s and 80s but I never got round to seeing it. It tells the story of Scotland from the highland clearances of the 18th and 19th centuries, through the exploitation of the highland estates for shooting in the 19th century, through to the mismanagement of the oil industry in the 1970s. It was written in 1973 so doesn’t go any further, although the actors did make some references to present day Scotland. I thought that it might be a bit earnest and serious, but although it told a story that was very grim at times, it was actually a very entertaining and energetic performance that included much singing and dancing. Although I was well aware that it told the story from a particular viewpoint, I found it very moving and inspiring. I was so glad to have seen it. At the end the entire audience stood up to give it a standing ovation. Well, not quite the whole audience - someone who shall remain nameless stayed in his seat.
Since the trip to Perth takes an hour we had decided to go for a walk before going to the theatre. The weather was not inspiring but we were quite lucky and it stayed dry for our walk. James chose Kinnoull Hill, and we walked up from the river. We strolled through pleasant woodland and emerged on the edge of the cliff which overlooks the road from Perth to Dundee, and which has great views over the River Tay. As we stood at Kinnoull Tower, which is on a rocky outcrop just along from the summit, clearly visible from the road far below, I reflected that I have driven past it about a thousand times on my way to Dundee but this was the first time I have ever stood at the top. 

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