Monday 17 June 2019

Father’s Day fun

Sunday was a very special day. Jamie arrived home from New Zealand for a visit which is for Davie’s graduation on Friday 21st June. Davie messaged him a couple of months ago to say that he would likely be graduating and would Jamie like to come to his graduation, and so Jamie has flown half way around the world for the occasion. I love how close my boys are! James, Ally, Davie and Chanel met him at the airport at lunchtime, and we went straight to the Hyndland Fox for a Father’s Day celebration lunch. How nice for James to have all three of his sons with him. They gave him a card and a t-shirt with pictures of cats on it - let’s just say that it’s very striking! After a tasty lunch we went for a pleasant and sunny walk in Kelvingrove Park and then up to the University where we strolled around the quadrangles. Back at home, Jamie and Davie went round to visit Grandma and then Ally instigated a lively game of table tennis in the garden. After dinner Davie and Chanel headed to Dundee where they will be making arrangements for their graduations. By this time Jamie looked completely exhausted. He had done a grand job of managing to stay awake until about 9.30 p.m. in order to adapt to British Time, but he suddenly couldn’t keep his eyes open and headed upstairs to bed, where he tells me that he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

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