Friday 28 June 2019

Crepuscular Rays

Jamie left this evening to fly back to New Zealand, via Dubai. Needless to say I felt very sad to say goodbye to him. Earlier in the day, James and I made an impromptu journey to Dundee. It was Davie and Chanel’s last day in their flat in Rosefield Street and they still had way more than one carful of their belongings to be transported. We filled up our car with boxes and we then treated ourselves to coffee and scones at the Glendoick Outdoor Centre on the way home. James bought two scented rose bushes for the front garden. Meanwhile Jamie had been branching and lunching and coffeeing with a few friends. Later he and I went round to Grandma’s house to say goodbye to her. She told him that she didn’t want him to go because she would miss him. It was sad but also sweet that she feels that way about him.
Our second car journey of the day was to Edinburgh Airport to drop Jamie off. He managed to make the weight limit on his luggage - just! He was taking his ski boots and his new tent back to NZ so it was a close run thing. James, Jamie and I had tea in Wetherspoons before saying our farewells when it was time for Jamie to go through security.
When we got home I felt a bit down, but Ally, Davie and Chanel invited me for a lively game of outdoor table tennis, and the cats were very cute, and we saw crepuscular rays emanating from the setting sun, and we watched Glastonbury on television. All of this cheered me up but I still miss Jamie. 

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