Sunday 20 November 2016

Sunday errands

I woke this morning, refreshed after my lovely spa day, to find Ruby sitting on my chest, waiting for me to feed her. James and Ally were still away for the weekend with Cornel so I decided to treat myself to breakfast at Marks and Spencer, where I needed to do some shopping anyway. How pleasant it was to eat my bloomer with eggs, bacon and cherry tomatoes while drinking a large cup of coffee and reading my Kindle. 
Then I did my shopping, not always my favourite activity, but this morning I was in a tremendously good mood so everything was quite enjoyable. I'm so pleased with the improvement in my eyesight. There is still a very small cloud that sometimes floats across my vision but its hardly noticeable, and the colours all seem brighter. 
My afternoon was spent listening to the radio while tidying the house and making a nice roast dinner for my climbing boys to eat on their return. They arrived weary, sunburned and very hungry, but luckily I had cooked plenty of food. It has been a great weekend.

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