Sunday 13 November 2016

Skeleton Stories

What to do on a dreich Sunday afternoon in Glasgow in November? Since our young scientists David and Chanel are visiting this weekend we decided that something intellectually stimulating would be in order. So we headed for the west end to visit the Hunterian Art Gallery which has an exhibition entitled "Skeletons: Our Buried Bones."
This consists of eight skeletons; four from the Museum of London and four from burial grounds across Scotland. As a future forensic anthropologist Chanel was very knowledgable about the very different life stories that the bones revealed, and her enthusiasm made it very interesting for all of us.
We then went to a cosy café on Byres Road for coffee and waffles with bacon and maple syrup which were just right for the miserable weather. And now we're home, relaxing in front of the lounge fire. 

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