Thursday 3 November 2016

Excellent NHS

My sprained ankle, from my fall in New York last month, has been getting more painful again over the last week, and today I was limping noticeably. So after tea (rather nice beef stroganoff made by James) I went up to the hospital to get it checked over. I took my current book with me (Admission by Jean Hanff Korelitz - interesting so far) because I reckoned that I would have to wait for several hours, and I would just relax and read while waiting.
Well I was amazed by the speed and efficiency of the service! No sooner had I switched on my Kindle in the waiting room than I was summoned through to the "minor injuries clinic". Out came the Kindle again, but before I could focus my eyes in the page I was assessed by a nurse, then a doctor, and dispatched to the X Ray department. Minutes later I was trudging back along to the minor injuries clinic, where I again got my Kindle out but was distracted by hearing two doctors discussing my X Ray; "There's something there - I'm not sure" and "How long ago was the injury?" The nurse then appeared back to say that after some discussion they think it is just torn ligaments and that I need to rest the ankle more and elevate it whenever possible. The pain is due to swelling so I need to start taking anti-inflammatories again. Soon I was on my way home, reassured and ready for a cup of tea. I know I was lucky that it was a quiet evening - the waiting times can be very long when it is busy - but credit where credit is due, that was first class treatment from the NHS. 

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