Monday 21 November 2016

New Dishwasher

As I blog, James and Ally are attempting to install our new dishwasher. I'm keeping quiet because when the Anderson men are attempting a technical task, tensions can run high. There are pages of detailed instructions laid out on the table and there is a lot of pacing around going on, selecting tools. For some reason they are also wielding torches, and have just started using a drill. I'm not even going to ask what is going on.

Our loyal old dishwasher gave up the ghost very suddenly last week. One day is was swishing away merrily at the dishes, the next it was as dead as a door nail. It was long out of warranty and the cost of repair was ridiculous, so we had to order a new one. It has been quite a novelty to go back to washing dishes by hand for the past week; of course that's what I did for the first twenty-five or so years of my life; we didn't get a dishwasher when we were first married, and I remember it was so exciting to get one when we moved into our present house. I didn't trust it at first, so I used to wash all the dishes before I put them in the dishwasher, which rather defeated the purpose! 

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