Wednesday 30 November 2016

Navigation fail!

As a trained Duke of Edinburgh leader I pride myself on being able to navigate fairly well. Today however I was rather embarrassed to find myself thoroughly lost very near to home. I had gone for a very pleasant coffee after work to my friend Catherine's. Having walked there from school using the most direct way, I decided to take a slightly circuitous route back to make the walk more interesting. This involved walking a route that I would normally drive, so I was taken by surprise when the pavement ended abruptly, leaving me trudging across some grass. Not at all daunted, I spotted an underpass which took me under the dual carriageway and onto a path towards my destination. I then walked up to join the road, and to my surprise I found myself walking back along the road from whence I had just come. No matter, I attempted to reverse the route - only to find myself at the edge of a small housing estate overlooking the school. I could see my car tantalisingly close by. So I found myself gingerly climbing down a muddy path in the dark to reach the car park. Thank goodness there was nobody around to see my undignified progress! 

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