Thursday 17 November 2016

Positive thoughts

I'm feeling a bit apprehensive this evening because tomorrow morning I'm going to get laser treatment on my eye. Since my cataract operation in April 2015 which was supposed to make my eyesight all lovely and clear again, it has become more and more blurry. This is apparently because protein is sticking to the lens. At least I think that's what I was told. Anyway there is a treatment that involves blasting it off with a laser, which doesn't sound much fun, but hopefully would improve my sight in that eye. 
On the other hand I'm very much looking forward to visiting Jennifer this weekend; we're going for a wee spa day in Marlow, and I will be travelling down by plane tomorrow evening. So I will try to think of chatting and jacuzzis during the laser treatment; as Julie Andrews sang, "I simply remember my favourite things and then I don't feel so bad!"

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