Sunday 6 November 2016

Scary Santa Cat

Yesterday I was doing a wee bit of shopping in Tesco when I noticed that they were selling Christmas outfits for pets. Now we don't usually inflict such an indignity on our much loved cats (although James has mentioned that he would love to get a pair of "Puss in Boots" boots for Tom to stride around in!) but I couldn't resist buying a couple of outfits with the thought of a photo opportunity.
I had no idea of the carnage which would ensue! When I got them Alasdair wasted no time in putting the Santa costume on Tom. Tom was not exactly thrilled, but he is such a good-natured cat that he resignedly allowed himself to be photographed, and Cat took some excellent photos. The unexpected thing was Ruby's reaction. She was busy filling her face at her bowl while Ally was dressing up Tom, and when she looked up to see Santa Cat looking at her she totally flipped out! She clearly didn't recognise him at all (even though he was only wearing a Santa hood with a small cloak). Her hackles rose all along her back and her usually small rat-like tail assumed enormous proportions, like a fox's brush! After staring at Santa Cat for a few moments Ruby ran away at speed and exited the house via the cat flap. The problem with this was that Ally had just locked the cat flap in case Tom tried to run off while being dressed up. Normally this effectively prevents the cats from leaving, for example if we are trying to catch them to take them to the vet. However, this time there was a tremendous crashing sound and the cat flap broke clean into two pieces! Ruby must have been going at a tremendous speed. 
All ended well when the Santa costume was removed and Ruby was retrieved from the garden by Ally to spend a peaceful evening indoors. 

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