Saturday 26 November 2016

James and Ruby have a falling out!

Ruby was not in the back room with us yesterday evening; James and I both noticed her absence, but both cats are very independent so we just assumed that she was outside on an adventure. There was no sign of her this morning either, and I was beginning to feel a wee bit worried when we heard a faint sound from somewhere in the house. Neither of the cats can miaow properly, unlike their predecessors Jack and Jill, who knew how to sound like proper cats. So what we heard sounded more like a human child wailing. James went downstairs, checking rooms as he went, and then I heard him shouting in a horrified voice, "Oh no, come and look at this!"

I rushed downstairs, thinks no that something terrible had happened to Ruby, only to find James attempting to open the door to the lounge, which was jammed by the carpet. It turned out that Ruby had managed to get herself locked in the lounge overnight, and in her frantic attempts to escape she had ripped the carpet at the door with her claws, and had even managed to lift it up completely at one corner.

James was absolutely furious and had to reach in to pull up the carpet some more in order to open the door. Ruby must have understood from his shouting that he was angry because when I went in she was hiding behind the chair, whimpering. She cheered up when she ate her breakfast and had a wee drink of milk. James later gave her a pat on the head and they were reconciled. As for the carpet, James has managed to hide the worst of the damage under a new metal door strip, but we are going to have to look for a wider one to hide all of the claw marks! 

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