Sunday 29 January 2012

Work / Life Balance

On Friday James and I went to see Snow Patrol at the SEC with Ally and Davie. I think it's the third time that I have seen them and although I am not such a fan as James is, I thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Yesterday James, Ally and Davie went to Hampden to see Ayr United playing Kilmarnock in the semi-final of the Scottish Cup. We are all Ayr United fans because of Brian next door, although the boys' main team is Rangers. I had a great afternoon of pottering about and reading a book, I loved it! I also kept the radio on in the background to keep up with the score. We were all really disappointed when Ayr lost, it would have been so good if they had got through to the final but Brian has done very well to get them this far. We went out for a lovely lunch today with Heather and Ewan, to Jamie's Italian in George Square. We were discussing all the things that we will do in Paris, where we will be in only two weeks! The meal was delicious; I had a starter of arancini, which has been a favourite of mine since we went to Sicily, and then meatball carbonara. Before the meal James had been talking to me about why I feel so tired just now, and he thinks it is because I am spending too much time at work and bringing too much work home. He thinks I need to "lighten up" and make time for other things especially taking exercise. I'm sure that he's right; I have deliberately had a very relaxing weekend and I feel quite refreshed, so I will try to get back into exercising this week. I'm looking forward to seeing the second part of the BBC adaptation of Birdsong tonight, the first part was excellent last week. 

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