Friday 20 January 2012

Burns' Night celebration

I have just got back from my school's staff Burns' Night and Ceilidh, which was held in a local church hall. I hoped that it would be good but I didn't expect it to be such a tremendous evening! The meal was traditional and delicious, it was BYOB so I asked Chris to pick up a bottle of Schloer for me on his way. I had brought in a dress to get changed at school which meant that I could work on a bit. Anyway after the meal we got on to the speeches, and they were all brilliant. So clever and witty - and George R's toast to the lassies and Alison R's and reply from the lassies were totally outrageous! And there was a brilliant singer, an ex-pupil whose voice was really great. I would love to go to one of the places he performs to hear him again and at the end he gave me his details. Then the dancing started, a mix of Scottish country dancing and disco which was great fun, everybody was up dancing. A great night. 

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