Monday 2 January 2012

Walking and cooking

A good day. James and I walked round Strathclyde Park in the morning which kept up my resolution of taking more exercise, and was quite pleasant despite the weather. The weather has been rather wet most days since before Christmas, but we put on our jackets and hats and had a good walk and chat. After lunch we decided to do some batch cooking, and James made a large amount of chilli con carne while I made double quantities of Italian beef stew. It was really nice cooking at a leisurely pace while talking to James, Jamie and Nicola, who has returned from spending New Year in Aberdeen. Ally spent the day studying in his room, and seems to be working hard, but he's a bit fed up. I do feel for him, but unfortunately this is an important time for him with his first A Levels in a couple of weeks, so he just has to get on with it. I got a very nice email from Antoine's parents wishing us well for the New Year:

L'embarquement pour le vol 2012 est annonce!
Vos prochaines escales sont: SANTE, CHANCE, JOIE, BONHEUR, AMOUR ...
La duree de votre voyage sera de 12 mois.
Laissez aux objets perdus les mauvais moments de 2011 pour n'emporter dans vos bagages que les meilleurs souvenirs.
Le menu servi pendant le vol:
Cocktail de l'amitie
Supreme de Bonne sante
Gratinee de prosperite
Plateau d'excellentes nouvelles
Salade de reussite
Buche au bonheur
Le tout accompagne de bulles d'eclats de rires.
Tres bon et agreable voyage!!!

What a nice message and how very French!

Later we all had a pierre chaude (another of our traditions at this time of year) we had beef, turkey, salmon and prawns, accompanied by potatoes, salad, asparagus, mushrooms and dips, and it was delicious! We then watched a film "Horrible Bosses" which was quite rude but also quite funny. 

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