Friday 6 January 2012

The Iron Lady

A really pleasant day around the house. Today it was time to take down all the Christmas decorations and I also posted Jamie's camera case to him at Nicola's parents' address in Nottingham. I just love pottering around at home with Jack to keep me company; when I went downstairs in the morning Jack took me to inspect his bowl and we were both surprised and slightly alarmed to find it empty, we stared at each other in a concerned way until I filled it with fresh chunks. Then I had a coffee and Jack had a snooze on top of the radiator. I heard on the news that Bob Holness, famed for presenting Blockbusters in the 1980s, died today. How we used to be amused by the famous line "Can I have a P please, Bob?" and the occasional gaffes such as a contestant answering "orgasm" when he meant to say "organism". And of course the hand-jiving by the audience at the end of the show! I was pleased finally to receive Jenny's adoption pack from Edinburgh Zoo at last (serves me right for having anything to do with a zoo!). I was pleased that they upgraded Jenny's adoption status from Bronze to Silver by way of apology, which means that in addition to a certificate, stickers and badges and being invited to three "Adopter" events per year, she gets extra tickets and photos and will have her name displayed on her Capuchin monkey's enclosure. In the evening James and I took Grandma to see "The Iron Lady" at the cinema, it's a biopic about Margaret Thatcher, told in flashback from her old age when suffering from dementia and hallucinating that her husband Dennis is still alive. Meryl Streep is truly amazing as Mrs Thatcher, she has captured her looks, voice and mannerisms perfectly. Grandma said at the end that it was a very good film but it is also very disturbing and upsetting and should not have been made while Mrs Thatcher is still alive. I agree with her wholeheartedly. 

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