Sunday 25 September 2011

The Ubiquitous Indelible Marker Pen

I am writing my blog in the back room, feeling cosy as the rain patters on the glass roof. Dinner is all organised for Grandma later, so I have a bit of time to myself. I can hear Ally and Davie arguing upstairs, but I will not intervene unless violence ensues. I suspect that James has gone for a little nap, as he sometimes does after a substantial lunch. This lunch took place at that well-known Glasgow eatery, The Ubiquitous Chip in Ashton Lane, and our companions were Ewan and Heather. It was my idea to go there because I spotted on its website a £19.99 deal for 3 courses, which seemed a bargain. And it was good value I think, although of course the final bill added up to more because we had drinks with the meal and coffee afterwards, and also they charged us a bit for side vegetables which I thought was a bit sneaky. Ewan wisely chose the house white wine, even though the waitress despatched the wine waiter to discuss our options with us! After all, as Ewan pointed out, if it's a good restaurant they are going to care about the wine they serve. The house wine is like the signature wine of a restaurant, so they are not likely to serve something that doesn't taste good. I remember a couple of years ago that the house white at Mitchell's in Carmunnock was so delicious, I asked the waitress where I could find it! The food was really good, smallish portions beautifully cooked; what I think you would call modern Scottish cuisine. The company was also excellent, we all had a good chat as usual. When we see Heather and Ewan we all just resume the conversation as if we had seen each other five minutes ago instead of a couple of weeks! Andrew has had a good first week at University and is enjoying the lectures, which is a great start, and Ewan will be getting his leg frame removed on Thursday so that is a big day for him. Heather and Jennifer will be going to their London ballet weekend next Saturday, which sounds fun.
Before the meal James and I did a wee bit of browsing in the shops on Byres Road, and James took the opportunity to replace his indelible marker pen which he discovered was missing yesterday. For an organised person like James, it is very hard to accept that someone has borrowed something of his and not returned it, and he was in an absolute rage yesterday. Needless to say, I had nothing to do with it, clearly one of the boys had taken it; however I felt that James was casting aspersions in my direction too, which I did not appreciate, by saying things like "People in this house borrow things and never put them back!" He obviously blames everybody including me. He says he's going to hide this marker pen so that no-one can steal it. We also had a wee walk in the Botanic gardens before lunch, which is just as well because by the time we came out of The Ubiquitous Chip it was raining and it has not stopped since, in fact it is heavier than ever. I will take a cup of tea up to James in a wee while. 

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