Wednesday 28 September 2011

I get my Diploma

Nice news in the post today; I got a letter from Strathclyde University to tell me that I have passed my final assignment and so I have been awarded my Diploma in Autism! It has taken me three years of evening courses at Jordanhill and many essays. I celebrated by reading Proust in my hammock in the garden while Ally made the tea. This was possible because the weather is rather fine today, although it is a lot hotter in England than here; Jennifer told me that it is almost a heatwave in Oxfordshire. Ally came outside and crept up behind me to give me a fright and then rocked my hammock alarmingly. I am loving Proust! I didn't remember how good his writing is, and his observations of people are excellent and can even be hilarious, like when he describes the snobbishness of his neighbour Legrandin; I was laughing out loud.

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