Thursday 22 September 2011

September Weekend ahead

I'm relaxing on the couch, blogging while James watches Spooks, feeling very contented that the four day September weekend stretches ahead of me. It has been a very busy and eventful week at work but all has gone well. I am very lucky that I enjoy my job; life would be difficult if I didn't because it can be very intense. Last night Elaine and Jennifer came round for supper and we had a great evening, chatting and laughing the whole time. It's always fun with them and although we no longer work together we still have so much in common. I felt rather tired this morning after our late night so I want to go to bed early tonight. I have finished my latest book "The Hare with Amber Eyes" and I have enjoyed it more as it went on. I wasn't sure if the author Edmund de Waal was telling the story of the netsuke through his family or vice versa, and I suspect that de Waal wasn't sure either because it kept switching about. Interesting book. I will be downloading some more books to my e-reader this weekend that will take me through to the October holiday and beyond! James and I have also watched six out of the eight episodes of the first series of Engrenages (Spiral) recommended to us by Heather and Ewan. I am loving it, the French police officers in the series use dodgy methods and some of them take drugs but it doesn't matter because they are always so stylish! My favourite characters so far are the very handsome prosecutor Pierre Clement, played by Gregory Fitoussi, and the less handsome but very charismatic Gilou played byThierry Godard. Time for a cup of tea before bed time. 

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