Saturday 17 September 2011

Rucksack and compasses

I am in the Pentland Hills having a coffee as I wait to meet a group of pupils who are on a Duke of Edinburgh expedition. After a rainy day yesterday I feel very lucky that it is dry and sunny and even a wee bit warm! It's a beautiful area. I have a habit at bedtime of writing on my bathroom mirror in eyeliner any items that I need to remember urgently first thing in the morning, so that I will see it when I am getting washed. On Thursday I had written "ruck sack, compasses" so that I would bring them into school for this expedition, but last night I saw that someone had carefully rubbed out the letters so that it said "suck ass"! I thought it was very funny and found out that it was Alasdair who did it!
Book club last night was at Catherine's, there were eight of us and we were talking about our summer reading, it was a lovely evening and I got some good ideas for future reading.
So today James is doing his own Pentlands walk and will be joining me and my colleagues for our traditional Chinese carry out later. 

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