Friday 23 September 2011

I like both the Sublime and the Ridiculous

First the sublime. I have started reading Proust's A la Recherche du Temps Perdu, starting of course with the first volume, Du Cote de Chez Swann. By coincidence the character of Swann is supposed to be partly based on Charles Ephrussi, one of the family in the last book I read, The Hare with Amber Eyes. I have read excerpts from A la Recherche du Temps Perdu before in French, but I decided to read it from start to finish in the latest 2002 Penguin translation edited by Christopher Pendergast. I assume that the most modern translation will be the most readable and I am enjoying it so far. When I downloaded my "summer reading" to my e-reader I tried to choose a variety of books and I included a couple of classics as well as lots of contemporary fiction.
Then the ridiculous; tonight James and I went to see a film that Jamie, Ally and Davie have all seen and recommended - The Inbetweeners. We have always enjoyed the television series and the film did not disappoint! It had some very funny moments and a feel good ending, I really enjoyed it. It mainly took place in Malia in Crete, and Ally has told us that due to the success of the film the prices have gone up in Malia so he and his friends are going to have to look elsewhere for their post 6th year holiday. James and I exchanged a wry look when one of the characters was seen texting his Dad "Send more money"! All good fun! 

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