Monday 5 September 2011

Seasons in the Sun

I was driving over to collect Alasdair from Disabled Scouts this evening (he is one of the leaders) and on the way I was listening to music on my iphone. I put it on shuffle so a variety of songs were played. By the way Ally was lucky that I gave him a lift tonight because he was very rude to me at tea-time and I felt like telling him to get the train. However I decided that this would be petty because he is doing a good thing by volunteering at Disabled Scouts and so I did give him a lift, but I made him listen to The Archers on the way over, which he hated, and to my music on the way back. Heh, heh. Anyway an old song started playing which I had forgotten I had in my collection - Seasons in the Sun by Terry Jacks. This brings back memories for me from the 1970s, I always liked it and it was also a favourite of my Dad's; I remember listening to it with him in the car. It made me think of all the time that I spent with my Dad and Mum when I was younger that I totally took for granted. Not in a bad way, it's only right and natural to take family life for granted, and I'm sure that our boys do too. In fact it would be downright odd if we were all excited to see each other every time we came into the room! I suppose what I mean is that when I was younger I thought that everything would go on the same forever. And now they are both gone; Mum died more than a year ago and Dad died more than fourteen years ago, which seems an awfully long time. I don't mean to sound sorry for myself; I am actually very lucky that I had both of my parents well into my adulthood. I just find it strange to think that those "seasons in the sun" are long gone, and I do miss them. On a lighter note, Ally and I are now reconciled after listening to Bohemian Rhapsody and singing along in the car, appropriately since today would have been Freddy Mercury's 65th birthday!