Sunday 26 November 2023

Troon Beach and a Cosy Fire

Today we went to Troon for a walk on the beach. It was a grey day; silky grey sea, grey sky, grey rain clouds approaching slowly from the west. We couldn’t even see Arran because of the low cloud. We walked about 7 km, from the golf course up and down the beach, then along to the Venice Cafe and back. We had a tasty brunch in the café. It had started to rain, a thin, fine rain, by the time we got back to the car. 

Back at home James lit the fire in the lounge and made a Madeira cake which smelled gorgeous. We relaxed in front of the fire all afternoon. James started a new jigsaw and Tom amusingly stood on his hind legs at the coffee table and pulled a few jigsaw pieces on to the carpet. Perhaps he was trying to help James with the jigsaw? After dinner both cats joined us in the living room where we watched another couple of episodes of the watchable but not outstanding “Manifest” a series about a plane that disappears and then reappears to find that five years have passed, much to the consternation of the passengers and their families, who thought that they were dead. We are now on the fourth and final series and have committed so many of our evenings to it that we feel that we must finish it! 

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