Sunday 12 November 2023

Ladies’ Charity Lunch

Today I went to a charity lunch to raise money for the Beatson and  the Pancreatic cancer charity, invited by Brewin Dolphin. These charities are close to my heart because of Jackie and my Dad. I was asked if I would like to bring a friend and I invited Heather. Not only did I enjoy her company, it was great that Heather has been to many charity dances so could show me the ropes, as this was my first ladies’ charity lunch. We met at the Crowne Plaza Hotel near the Armadillo and were soon called through for lunch. We didn’t know anybody at our table apart from our host Lynn, but she and the other ladies were friendly and we chatted a bit in between the entertainment, not that we could hear each other very much due to the fairly loud music in the background. The event was hosted by Suzy McGuire, a DJ from Nation Radio, and she did a great job of presenting everything. We had brought money to put into the raffle, and although we didn’t win any of the major prizes, we each won a smaller prize. Mine was an interesting book about Glasgow buildings, but Heather did even better by winning 12 handmade cupcakes from the very expensive Newlands Bakery, to be ordered at a time of her choosing. There was a fashion show which was fun, the meal was nice, champagne (and soft drinks) flowed, and after the raffle and auction there was dancing to Motown music. By about 4 Heather and I felt ready to leave and I gave her a lift home which gave us the chance to have a proper chat. It has been fun but so loud! Would I go to another one? Definitely yes. 

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