Wednesday 22 November 2023

My first Sourdough Loaf

Jamie and Davie both make excellent sourdough bread, which I have tasted with admiration in New Zealand and in Manchester, so I thought that it was about time for me to have a go as well. Armed only with the online BBC Good Food recipe, I bought some strong bread flour and got started. The starter seemed rather thick to me, but Davie assured me that it can be like that, so I have pressed on, obeying the instructions to “feed” it every day. The instructions that the sourdough starter would start bubbling after 3 to 4 days, but mine became quite lively on the second day. Phone consultations with both Jamie and Davie encouraged me that the starter was progressing suitably. However I was not confident that the temperature of the utility room is right or that my quantities were accurate enough, so Jamie told me that he has decided to send me an early Christmas present - the same bread-making book that he uses. 
After seven days the time came to make my bread, and it was very successful to my surprise! It didn’t look very pretty and I think that the dough was just a bit too wet, but the taste was great. James bought a couple of avocados and we mashed them up and spread them on the sourdough bread for lunch, and it was delicious. 
The bread-making book has arrived and, while I continue to feed my starter, I have started reading it. There is much more information than in the BBC recipe and I’m looking forward to improving my method in my next attempt. 

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